The bank holiday is over and whilst the weather has been sunny it has been windy. The wind has been blowing from the east and northeast and at a fair rate of knots. Total mileage for last 3 days is 160miles but I have also put 3 hours on the spinner bike. 75 miles today and could have been longer but a) needed to be back at work and b) got bored. It is pretty lonely cycling for 4.5 hours and there is a fair degree of concentration still required to avoid being hit or hitting something and that takes a mental drain, honest!
Bum was fine, back was fine and legs were fine. Had a good run into the Lynn with the wind at my back so able to ride with the cars in the 30 zone. Some people really do not like cyclists riding at the same pace, it must mess with their 'natural sense of order'.
I downloaded today's route to the Garmin but then decided at the last minute to ride the route in reverse BUT that was not a good idea. I could not find how to tell the Garmin to reverse the route so I ended up riding the route being constantly reminded to turn back, U turn etc etc. It was not easy to navigate but lesson learned.
The weak chain is holding together. A new one has been despatched from The Wiggle. The Brooks saddle is performing really well. My bottom has now moulded very well to the unyielding leather. Funny how you can sit in sweaty Lycra shorts on a leather saddle a little bigger than your palm for 5 or 6 hours yet when you sit in an airline seat you immediately start wriggling and squirming. Ryan Air should take out all their seats and replace them with exercise bikes. 300 bikes all generating 200watts each would generate 60kW, enough to power all the electrical systems on a plane. Anybody who generated less than 200 would be ejected thereby saving weight.