I read somewhere that you should mix in some interval training and so tonight that is what I did on my spinner bike. It damn near killed me!! My max HR is around 170 and I kept peaking around 165 at the end of each interval. I was doing 1 minute flat out then 1 minute rest for over 40 minutes. I know now why they called the bike a 'spinner' because that what my head was doing. It was afterwards that I read a little more on intervals and it appears I should maybe only have been doing 5 or 6. Oh well, it was a good calorie burn with the Garmin showing nearly 900 for an hour of sweat. 900 calories sounds a lot but it is only 4 beers. 60 minutes of heart exploding sweat lashing leg burning brain thinning exercise and the reward is only 4 beers???!!!
Here is a thought.... why don't bars build exercise bikes at the bar connected to a power meter and every time 200 calories are burned you can have a pint. If you burn 600 you get a burger. Calorie neutral drinking! The average biker can burn around
200watts if motivated. That is enough to light up 2 or 3 light bulbs and you could offset the power generated against the price of beer. So, 200w for an hour of cycling would equal 3pence of electricity based on 15pence/kW. 200w of cycling would be around 900calories so 3 pints and a pack of crisps. Hmmmmmm, the 3p credit for the electricity generated would equate to 1p off the price of each pint. No-one is going to get rich.
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