It's holiday time on the Isle of Wight for us and I have of course brought my bike to keep the legs moving this week. The island has a 65 mile circular route which takes in both coast and inland roads. It keeps off the main roads and even has a Paris Roubais style section on which I enjoyed blasting past the tourists at 20 mph (to their 6 mph).
I left at 0615 telling the family I'd be back by 10am. What I didn't take into account was the hilly nature of this route, as seen in the photo. One is either ascending or descending for most of the time. This added a few minutes to the ride as my speed was only 15.2 mph average!! With a ferry also involved I didn't get back until 10:50, of course the reception wasn't great with the kids waiting in the car to go to Blackgang Chine!
I guess this route is good practise for Cornwall and Devon so I'll have another go round on Thursday.
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